Our MD, Danny Price acted as an expert witness in the Queensland Energy Class Action, with judgment determined on Wednesday 4th December, 2024.
We provide an...
Read our article for the Water New Zealand Journal, on valuing potential investments to balance water supply and demand in a variable climate, inc. water...
The first of two independent reports, to help inform the debate about the economics of including nuclear power in the National Electricity Market (NEM).
Our transport economist Anna Wilson unpacks how the upcoming changes to the Heavy Vehicle National Law will bring more sustainable outcomes on our roads.
Andrew Harpham, Director & Economist at Frontier Economics, spoke at Asia Clean Energy Summit 2024 on Optimising Renewable Energy Integration. We provide here...
We were engaged by Chorus New Zealand to assist with thier regulatory reviews, and to analyse whether competitive constraints were being understated by...
We take a look at the growing role of the recalculated LULUCF emissions in meeting Australia’s 2030 emissions targets, how it impacts emissions targets in...
Climate change is not only reshaping our society and economy, but affecting the financial outlook for business. Yet transition planning involves complex...
We were engaged by a Port Operator to provide advice on the design and implementation of an internal carbon price. Using proprietary modelling and detailed...
Our team were honoured to present a number of key topics at Singapore International Water Week 2024. It was a pleasure to connect with Asia's water industry...
We sat down with Water New Zealand for their podcast series Tāwara o te Wai, on the topic of financing investment in water infrastructure, the long-term...
We were engaged by the Malaysian Aviation Commission to develop a transitional regulatory framework and aviation services charges for the period 2024-27....
Integrated water management (IWM) offers an opportunity to embed the circular economy into water sector operations. In this article originally published by the...
Our economists Matthew Edgerton and Alexandra Humphrey Cifuentes spoke with the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) regarding the importance...
For the ANZ - Suncorp Bank merger, we were retained by Ashurst, the lawyers for ANZ, to provide expert advice concerning the likely effects of the acquisition...
We were recently asked by the Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) to examine the financial and budgetary drivers behind the Victorian Government’s...
Frontier Economics was an independent advisor to AustralianSuper, for Brookfield and EIG's Origin Energy takeover scheme. Our role was to review the...
Frontier Economics was commissioned by the Water Services Association of Australia to produce a report to explain economic efficiency to the water sector.
Frontier Economics' recently provided advice to several clients in regards to the Queensland Competition Authority's process for their approach to climate...
Frontier Economics' recently provided advice to several clients in regards to the Queensland Competition Authority's process for their approach to climate...
This bulletin explains why it is essential for regulators in Australia to adopt financeability tests as standard practice whenever they make a regulatory...
Warwick Davis' view on the ACCC’s proposed merger reforms for processes and legal tests for merger clearance, and the differences in the US. Following from...
A summary of the address given by Dinesh Kumareswaran, Director of Frontier Economics, during the first plenary session titled 'Beyond efficiency", at the 2023...
Developer groups have opposed Sydney Water and Hunter Water’s planned reintroduction of infrastructure contributions (or ‘developer charges’). These...
With the Victorian government announcing an end to native forest logging by 1 January 2024, we revisit a recent report prepared for WWF–Australia (World Wide...
Frontier Economics and the Australian National University respond to Dr Tyron Venn’s critique of our report comparing the value of alternative uses of native...
We were engaged by WWF–Australia to consider options for the design of appropriate structural adjustment arrangements that would accompany a decision to end...
The ACCC has released a consultation paper on NBN Co’s SAU variation. NBN Co’s latest proposals are accompanied by two expert reports prepared by Frontier...
We were engaged to undertake the modelling and analysis which underpins The Australian Roadmap for Sustainable Flying: Reaching Net Zero by 2050. Specifically,...
Today Austroads, with the assistance of Frontier Economics, released a Regulatory Impact Statement seeking feedback on proposed reforms to Heavy Vehicle driver...
A report into the economic, social and environmental costs of failing to manage feral deer numbers in Victoria has been released by the Invasive Species...
This is the third and final of three notes by Frontier Economics which review the predictions and forecasts made by Scientific American in 1990 in the issue...
This is the second of three notes by Frontier Economics which review the predictions and forecasts made by Scientific American in 1990 in the issue Energy for...
A joint report by Frontier Economics and Professor Andrew Macintosh of the ANU compares the value of alternative uses of native forests in Southern NSW.
In Australia's move to a low carbon economy, what are the key transition risks for the property sector? Ben Mason co-authors an article with Edge Environment.
As part of its market study in the grocery sector of New Zealand, the Commerce Commission commissioned us to undertake some econometric analysis to examine how...
To realise a policy vision of greener cities and liveable future urban landscapes, we need to embed green infrastructure into traditional infrastructure...
Facebook retained Frontier Economics (Asia-Pacific) and Frontier Economics (Europe) to support their understanding of the economic aspects of competition...
Today the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (“CCCS”) issued its findings and recommendations for its market study on e-commerce platforms.
In 2020, Frontier Economics was engaged by the Aged Care Royal Commission to report on the required return for aged care service providers, and to give expert...
The ACCC has released a concepts paper and opened consultations on a proposed mandatory bargaining code between digital platforms and news media organisations.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced today that it would not act to prevent the acquisition of Pacific Magazines by Bauer Media.
Infrastructure Australia's 2020 priority list has been released, and includes South Creek integrated land use and water cycle management as a priority.
During proceedings for the TPG Telecom (ASX: TPM) and Vodafone Hutchison Australia (ASX: HTA) merger in 2019/2020, Frontier Economics' Professor Stephen Gray...
This is the first of three notes by Frontier Economics which review the predictions and forecasts made by Scientific American in 1990 in the issue Energy for...
The Regulatory Policy Institute ANZ inaugural seminar, "Rebuilding faith in institutions, markets and competition: what is the way forward?", is on this...
George Houpis, director at Frontier Economics (Europe) will be presenting in a panel for the inaugural seminar of the Regulatory Policy Institute ANZ,...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose the acquisition of GrainCorp Bulk Liquid Terminals by ANZ Terminals, subject to certain...
'Brexit & Australia' took place in Singapore on 25 September 2019, with Frontier Economics (Europe) Chair, Lord Gus O'Donnell, and Andrew Robb AO, former...
The Water Services Association of Australia has released the paper "Blue + Green = Liveability", which features several case studies of projects that Frontier...
BritCham and AustCham in Singapore are co-presenting an event, Brexit & Australia, on Wednesday 25 September 2019. Speakers are Frontier Economics (Europe)...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose the acquisition of Ruralco by Nutrien. The decision is subject to an undertaking requiring...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will continue to regulate wholesale mobile voice terminating services but will cease to regulate terminating...
The Supreme Court of Victoria published its judgment in a class action against the Commonwealth of Australia arising out of the termination of the Home...
A report prepared for the Water Services Association of Australia by Frontier Economics looks at the health benefits to the community from investing in water...
A recent report by Frontier Economics for Telenor looking at how connectivity in telecommunications markets enables growth was launched in Bangkok today.
This bulletin from Frontier Economics discusses Australia's Paris 2030 emissions reduction commitments and suggests we are on track to meet them easily and we...
This briefing from Frontier Economics examines Australia's commitment to our Paris 2030 emissions targets. Our analysis suggests that despite official...
This bulletin from Frontier Economics examines the claims of market gouging by generators in the National Electricity Market following the closure of Hazelwood...
This bulletin from Frontier Economics examines the claims of market gouging by generators in the National Electricity Market following the closure of Hazelwood...
Frontier Economics undertook research for Telenor that quantifies the impact of telecommunications sector in the five Asian markets that Telenor operates in.
A new bulletin from Frontier Economics looks at the issue of an NBN write-down of assets and explores the links between pricing, write-downs and value.
This bulletin from Frontier Economics discusses valuing the real impacts of rail and making a compelling business case for investment in this infrastructure.
This bulletin from Frontier Economics looks at valuing the real impacts of rail and making a compelling business case for investing in this infrastructure.
Infrastructure NSW engaged Frontier Economics to advise on the optimum regulatory framework for the uptake of cost-effective recycled water initiatives.
The Australian Energy Council published a report prepared by Frontier Economics consultant, Rajat Sood, on the impact of various changes on the structure and...
This short note from Frontier Economics examines some of the modelling and forecasting assumptions in AEMO's integrated system plan and discusses the...
Danny Price has written an article called Black(out) to the Future, looking at particular aspects of current energy policy in Australia and the potential for...
Energy Networks Australia has published a discussion by Frontier Economics that discusses TOTEX and how this regulatory approach might benefit consumers and...
A report by the airlines group Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (A4ANZ) released today argues that Australian passengers and the economy are losing out...
Justice Jonathan Beach of the Federal Court of Australia today handed down his judgment in the case brought by Australian Securities and Investments Commission...
Mike Woolston, Frontier Economics, has co-authored a paper on public private partnerships in the water sector, titled Private Sector Participation in the Water...
The ACCC announced today that it had granted an interim authorisation to Central Petroleum and Macquarie Mereenie to begin negotiations for a joint supply...
As NBN Co (nbn) continues to refine pricing of the various products it offers, we examine the early impact of a price change that took place 14 December 2017.
The Australian Energy Market Commission has published a report by Frontier Economics that surveys the use of total expenditure regulatory frameworks in a...
Frontier Economics director Jason Hall is presenting today at the Australasian Finance and Banking Conference in Sydney. Jason will explain some recent work...
As the public increasingly embraces ride sharing, the discussion has extended from the implications for the taxi industry to the potential for it to also...
For the ACCC inquiry into electricity supply and prices, Frontier Economics reported on the impact of vertical integration on the bidding behavior of...
Frontier Economics’ Managing Director, Danny Price, explains in this submission to the senate committee examining the Bill why abolition of LMR rights would...
The International Trademark Association (INTA) has launched a report on the economic contribution of trademark-intensive industries to five ASEAN economies.
The latest bulletin from Frontier Economics (Asia-Pacific), Easy Target, looks at the contribution of renewable energy in achieving Australia’s emissions...
We project that Australia will comfortably meet its 2030 28% emissions target for the electricity sector due to existing and announced policies supporting...
A recent decision by The Australian Competition Tribunal brings into sharp focus a difference between economists and the courts in their approach to facts. The...
The COAG Energy Council has decided to retain but reform the limited merits review regime that applies to decisions of the Australian Energy Regulator.
Frontier Economics and leading law firm Herbert Smith Freehills were engaged by Energy Networks Australia to prepare a policy paper, "Options for enhancing the...
The AEMC has provided advice to the COAG Energy Council that analyses the impacts and characteristics of mechanisms to reduce emissions in the electricity...
Australia needs at least $300 billion, and up to $700 billion, spent on infrastructure over the short to medium term if it is to maintain and improve its...
Frontier Economics (leading a consortium including Norton Rose) has been retained by the Singapore Energy Market Authority to design a secondary gas trading...
The New South Wales Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has released the results of its 2015 Household Survey. This was the seventh household...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has announced it will not oppose Seven West Media’s (SWM) proposed acquisition of The Sunday Times...
The Victorian state government announced that the Lonsdale Consortium was the successful bidder for the 50-year lease for the commercial operations of the Port...
The Victorian Government today announced a package of regulatory reforms designed to reduce barriers to entry into the taxi and other commercial passenger...
On 19 August the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council decided that its Senior Committee of Officials would conduct a fresh review of the...
On 19 August the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Energy Council decided that its Senior Committee of Officials would conduct a fresh review of the...
Has the time come to replace the Reserve Bank of Australia’s (RBA’s) mandate to keep inflation between two and three percent per annum with a ‘nominal...
On 4 August 2016, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims announced that the ACCC’s next market study will focus on the...
Earlier this year, a joint media release by the Australian Treasurer (Scott Morrison), Prime Minister (Malcolm Turnbull) and the Minister for Small Business...
International Clinical Trials Day is celebrated around the world on or near May 20 each year. It celebrates the day that James Lind started what is often...
A recent judgment by the Australian Competition Tribunal leaves it open to the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to consider whether it would be in the...
Frontier (Australia) has published a new report scrutinising the wholesale price impact of assisted closure of brown coal power stations in the National...
On 26 February 2016, the Australian Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) issued its judgment in relation to merits reviews, sought by consumer groups and several...
On 26 February 2016, the Australian Competition Tribunal (Tribunal) issued its judgment in relation to merits reviews, sought by consumer groups and several...
The Australian Competition Tribunal’s recent judgment found in favour of the businesses that sought merits review of the Australian Energy Regulator’s...
The ACCC granted conditional authorisation to a joint venture between taxi networks and other industry participants to launch and operate a new smartphone taxi...
The Turnbull government has announced it will implement the Harper Review’s recommendation to amend Section 46 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the...
Today the Australian Competition Tribunal published its judgments on several merits reviews of revenue reset decisions made by the Australian Energy Regulator...
Last week, Frontier (Australia) hosted a series of seminars aimed at stimulating policy debate on the future of energy network regulation in Australia.
The ESC today released its final report into the regulation of accident towing services in Victoria. Frontier Economics assisted the ESC with the report.
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia (IPA) and the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) jointly released the report entitled “Doing the important,...
Rob Francis, Associate Director at Frontier (Europe), spoke at the Essential Services Commission of Victoria (ESC) Water Pricing conference on 9 and 10...
In August 2015, the Australian Government proposed a CO2 emissions target of a 26%-28% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2030. More recently, the...
In an earlier bulletin, Uber Regulated? we examined the case for regulating so-called “sharing economy” services, like Uber and Airbnb. In this companion...
In a new bulletin published today, Frontier (Australia) discusses why it is important to understand the economic value likely to be created by sharing services...
The ACCC today released its final decision on the prices that other operators pay to use Telstra’s copper network to provide telecommunications services to...
The Government has proposed a target of a 26%-28% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2030. In our view, a 25% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2025...
The Australian Government has today proposed a target of a 26%-28% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2030. Frontier (Australia) examines the context for...
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has been examining the merits of its Optional Firm Access (OFA) proposal over the past fifteen months....
Networks NSW has announced that it intends to appeal some aspects of the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) determinations, made on 30 April 2015, on the...
The inaugural Chairman of Frontier (Australia), Dr. Philip Williams has stepped down from the position. Professor Stephen Gray has been appointed as...
An article by Mike Woolston of Frontier (Australia), published in the February 2015 edition of the Australian Water Association’s Water Journal, looks at the...
Frontier Economics (Australia) managing director Mr. Danny Price addresses misleading electricity price comparisons made during a recent NSW election debate.
An Australian Water Association article in the February 2015 edition of the Water Journal rounds up issues behind the visit of a delegation of water...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued its draft decision on the prices that other operators pay Telstra to use its copper network.
Frontier (Australia) today published a report prepared for a broad coalition of National Electricity Market participants on the Optional Firm Access proposal...
Specialist financial economists Professor Stephen Gray and Dr Jason Hall from SFG Consulting Pty Ltd, along with Andrew Harpham from our energy team have...
Economic Analysis Of The RSPT With A Postscript On The Negotiated Outcome. This note was originally prepared to support a presentation made by Brian Parmenter...
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has released its draft decisions on the revenue proposals submitted by ACT and NSW distribution and transmission...
The New Zealand Commerce Commission has released its final determination on one aspect of its approach to estimating the Weighted Average Cost of Capital...
Frontier Economics (Australia) Chairman Philip Williams presented at the 12th Annual University of South Australia Competition and Consumer Workshop, held...
The recently released Renewable Energy Target (RET) Review Expert Panel Report recommends two options for reducing the role of renewable energy in meeting...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today announced that it will not oppose the proposed acquisition of three Progressive Supa IGA supermarkets...
Frontier (Australia) chairman Philip Williams presented at the Law Council of Australia 2014 Competition and Consumer Workshop, held on the 13th and 14th of...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today discontinued its investigation into the acquisition of the Cinema Hyperplex in Loganholme, Brisbane.
Inaccurate traffic forecasts are not a recent phenomenon. However, these inaccuracies are increasingly being exposed as a result of the greater involvement of...
Today, the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) announced the release of the report “Improving Economic Regulation in the Urban Water Industry”.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) announced that it will not oppose the bid by Aquis to acquire the Reef Hotel Casino in Cairns.
How We Should Regulate ‘Smartphone’ Taxi Apps. The emergence of smartphone-based apps to order and pay for taxis could revolutionise how these markets work...
In May 2013 the Appellate Body issued its ruling in the Canada- Renewable Energy case. The ruling followed cross-appeals made by the defendant, Canada, and...
Explicit agreements among competitors that fix prices are illegal – and for good reason. If the collusion is successful, prices will be higher and output...
The Australian Competition Tribunal (ACT) today granted approval for AGL to pursue its proposed $1.5bn acquisition of Macquarie Generation, the largest...
As excitement over the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil mounts, Frontier’s economists have been getting into the party spirit in the way that only economists...
As excitement over the 2014 World Cup finals in Brazil mounts, Frontier’s economists have been getting into the party spirit in the way that only economists...
A fundamental objective of economic regulation is to ensure a regulated firm has a reasonable opportunity to recover its efficiently-incurred costs. Without...
Trade negotiators from Japan and Australia today announced the successful conclusion of negotiations on an agreement, known as the Japan Australia Economic...
Consumers in Australia have experienced sharply rising retail electricity tariffs in recent years. This has been largely driven by the need to fund major...
Most people have bought products on an impulse that they did not need – the new gadgets in the kitchen cupboards, the exercise equipment in the garage or the...
On 30 August the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released its Draft Rate of Return Guidelines. The AER is responsible for setting the regulated tariffs...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today announced it would allow Woolworths to acquire three Supa IGA supermarkets in Queensland.
Why The Carbon Price Will Have A Limited Impact In Reducing Electricity Emissions. The Australian Government’s recently announced carbon pricing scheme –...
This paper from Frontier (Australia) examines some facts around the likely effectiveness of the Australian Government’s carbon pricing scheme, in terms of...
On 8 May 2013 the then Minister for Climate Change, the Hon Greg Combet declared that “…. the carbon price mechanism that the Government has implemented is...
This client briefing from Frontier (Australia) investigates the Government's claim that a 7.7% drop in CO2 emissions is evidence that their carbon price...
In order to identify opportunities for reform in urban water policy to ensure that the sector was well placed to meet customer and community expectations in...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today announced that it would not oppose Woolworths' proposed acquisition of the independent Supa IGA...
Frontier (Australia) has undertaken a review of urban water customer choice options, policy drivers and regulatory instruments for the National Water...
The Australian state Government of Victoria today published its response to the recommendations of the Victorian Taxi Industry Inquiry, that it set up in March...
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales (IPART) has published its draft decision on regulated retail electricity prices for 2013-14...
In this briefing, we examine the likely implications of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s reforms to card surcharging practices. Difficulties applying the new...
Frontier’s latest client briefing considers a recent World Trade Organization (WTO) ruling against the use of local content rules in feed-in tariffs (FIT)...
WTO Ruling Against The Use Of Local Content Rules In Feed-In Tariffs. Frontier’s latest client briefing considers a recent World Trade Organization (WTO)...
The final report of the Victorian Taxi Industry Inquiry was tabled in Parliament today. The Inquiry, looking into all aspects of the Victorian taxi industry,...
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of New South Wales (IPART) has today commenced its review and determination of regulated retail electricity...
Frontier (Australia) Chairman, Philip Williams, has commented in The Australian today on whether there is a need for an additional regulator to police media...
Infrastructure Australia, the Government’s advisory body on infrastructure, today published a report “Australia's Public Infrastructure - Part of the...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today announced that Sonic Healthcare Limited (Sonic) could buy one of the pathology businesses it...
The Essential Services Commission of South Australia today released for public consultation a draft determination to change the wholesale electricity cost...
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) today called for comment on a draft report proposing new ways for consumers to control their use of electricity...
Sportsbet, the internet bookmaker based in Darwin, has claimed that various State governments have allowed racing regulators to levy discriminatory charges...
Do estimates of virtual water and food miles really help consumers to make environmentally friendly choices? The latest bulletin from Frontier (Australia)...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today approved an agreement between NBNCo and SingTel Optus for the migration of Optus’ hybrid...
The Mining Task Force of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has published a report on the impact for ten APEC economies of changes to European Union...
The long debate surrounding carbon pricing in Australia entered a new phase on Sunday, 1 July with the commencement of Australia’s carbon pricing scheme at a...
The long debate surrounding carbon pricing in Australia entered a new phase on Sunday, 1 July 2012 with the commencement of Australia’s carbon pricing scheme...
Regulated electricity tariffs in New South Wales increased today, following a decision by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) as part of...
The Australian National Competition Council (NCC) today published a draft recommendation in favour of granting the ‘no coverage’ application made by the...
The Australian Energy Market Commission today published a draft determination rejecting a rule change request by Major Energy Users Inc (MEU) that sought to...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission today announced that it would not oppose the proposed acquisition by AGL Energy Ltd of Great Energy Alliance...
The rise of the internet has drastically reduced the costs of media production and paved the way for the entry of new firms into a traditionally highly...
The rise of the internet has drastically reduced the costs of media production and paved the way for the entry of new firms into a traditionally highly...
The Australian Treasurer decided today that jet fuel supply infrastructure services at Sydney Airport should not be subject to a third party access regime.
The Australian National Water Commission today published “Water policy and climate change in Australia”. The report examines interactions between water...
The Western Australia (WA) Independent Power Association today released a report examining a proposal to re-aggregate the state-owned energy retailer, Synergy,...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has allowed subscription TV provider Foxtel to acquire another provider of subscription TV services,...
Making negotiations between airports and airlines work. Australia, New Zealand and the UK have adopted different approaches to regulating airports. However,...
Australia, New Zealand and the UK have adopted different approaches to regulating airports. However, all place some reliance on direct negotiations or...
Until recently, customers in New South Wales (NSW) who install solar photovoltaic units (PV units) received very generous feed-in tariffs through the NSW...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today released a decision to lift exemptions applying to certain wholesale voice services provided...
The Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (DRET) today released the National Energy Security Assessment, alongside the Commonwealth Government’s Energy...
Australia’s National Water Commission has today released Water Markets in Australia - a short history, which documents the evolution of water markets in the...
Google Inc’s recently proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc raises some important economic issues about the merits or otherwise of vertical...
Google Inc’s recently proposed acquisition of Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc raises some important economic issues about the merits or otherwise of vertical...
Today, the Federal Court of Australia dismissed claims by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) that Stanwell Corporation Limited, a Queensland generator, had...
The Federal Court of Australia today found that Queensland builders had engaged in price fixing by requesting and exchanging cover prices when tendering for...
An international air freight cartel, involving airlines from New Zealand, Japan, the UAE, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, Singapore and Australia, has been the...
Following the Spring 2010 outbreak of locusts across the state of Victoria, Frontier (Australia) was engaged by the Victorian Department of Primary Industries...
Communications, media and entertainment services are converging fast, with the digitisation of content and the emergence of new delivery platforms transforming...
Communications, media and entertainment services are converging fast, with the digitisation of content and the emergence of new delivery platforms transforming...
On Monday 28 February 2011, the Climate Institute, an Australian interest group, released a study that claims that a 25% reduction on 2000 level greenhouse gas...
Today, the Federal Court class action brought against Visy and Amcor by victims of the cartel that the two firms operated in the supply of cardboard boxes, was...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued interim access determinations for the six key fixed line telecommunications services under...
Some studies and commentary have recently raised the issue of carbon certainty for the electricity sector. The uncertainty regarding whether a carbon price...
The ACCC has been placing increased emphasis on the possibility of ‘coordinated effects’ as a reason for deciding to oppose mergers between firms. While...
The Minister for Communications and Technology in New Zealand has finally accepted a recommendation from the New Zealand Commerce Commission (NZCC) to regulate...
Frontier (Australia)’s bulletin discusses some of the controversy around the latest NZCC inquiry into whether to regulate the service, and consider the...
Adaptation in climate policy is about reducing the harm, or seizing the opportunities, caused by climate change. Unlike mitigation, which focuses on the...
The Australian Competition Tribunal announced on 1 July 2010 that it would declare access to two privately-owned railway lines carrying iron ore from the...
Many holders of patents (and some intellectual property lawyers) do not realise that the exercise of patent rights is constrained by the provisions of the...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today announced it would not object to Australia Post’s Notification of price increases for the...
The Australian Copyright Tribunal decided this week to significantly increase the fee that Australian gyms must pay in order to play music recordings in...
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) was a major winner in the Australian Federal Budget, delivered on Tuesday 11 May. The ASC received funding of $325...
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) have published a report into the economic impact of sport in Australia. This was commissioned in anticipation of an...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has published submissions in response to its discussion paper on access pricing principles for fixed...
On 4 August 2016, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims announced that the ACCC’s next market study will focus on the...
Frontier (Australia) was recently commissioned by the Australian Rural R&D Council to investigate the main drivers shaping research and development (R&D)...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today issued its view objecting to Australia Post's draft proposal to increase the prices of the...
The Australian National Water Commission has released its second biennial assessment of progress in the implementation of the National Water Initiative.
The Australian Government has commenced the roll-out of a national wholesale-only high-speed broadband access network, and is considering the regulatory...
Frontier Economics has published a new bulletin, Pricing it so they shall come, which looks at efficient pricing structures for wholesale access services in...
The Economic Impact Of The CPRS. Frontier (Australia) has released a report that provides independent modelling of the Government’s proposed Carbon Pollution...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission announced that it would not be opposing the acquisition of International All Sports by Sportsbet Pty Ltd....
For its Review of Energy Market Frameworks in Light of Climate Change Policies, the Australian Energy Market Commission has released a report prepared by...
Frontier Economics has submitted two reports to the AEMC's review on how the Australian Government's Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and expanded Renewable...
Today the Expert Panel commissioned by the Australian Government to review proposals to build the National Broadband Network provided its report to the...
Many irrigators in Murray-Darling Basin access water by holding tradeable water entitlements, which relate to a specific water resource such as a dam. In...
This report examines how cost recovery mechanisms can be developed in a manner that creates stronger incentives for private parties to manage those types of...
A Report Prepared For The Victorian Department Of Sustainability And Environment. To assist with the development of the Northern Region Sustainable Water...
The Government of Victoria has announced the outcome of its review of gaming licensing arrangements. The current duopoly control of the state's poker machines...
The New Zealand Commerce Commission was granted leave to appeal the earlier decision of the High Court that granted a clearance for Woolworths to proceed in...
A Report Prepared For The Victorian Department Of Primary Industries. ‘Virtual water’ is an estimate of the amount of water involved in the production of a...
On 28 December 2007 the New South Wales (NSW) Treasurer announced that Frontier (Australia) will be one of the companies advising the New South Wales...
On 4 December 2007, the New Zealand High Court released its decision in a major merger battle between Woolworths (the Australian supermarket operator) and the...
The Federal Court of Australia in Melbourne has ratified financial penalties for price-fixing that had been agreed between the Australian Competition and...
Frontier (Australia) has been engaged by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) to recommend allowances for energy purchase costs and...
Philip Williams, a director of Frontier (Melbourne) has co-authored with Andrew Harpham and Donald Robertson a paper entitled "The Competition Law Analysis of...
This report reviews reforms to the RDE framework in Australia for primary industries and suggests improvements to funding and institutional arrangements.
On 4 August 2016, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Chairman Rod Sims announced that the ACCC’s next market study will focus on the...
A Report By AGL, Frontier Economics And WWF-Australia On The Economic Costs Of Different Emission Reduction Pathways In The Australian Electricity Sector.
Australians could pay as little as $250 each to achieve a 40 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the country's electricity generation industry...
Frontier (Australia) has been engaged by the Department of Primary Industry to provide advice on methods to allocate sites to new tenants in a new wholesale...
The Australian Competition Tribunal has decided to uphold the appeal by Services Sydney against the Minister's decision not to declare certain services...
The Australian Competition Tribunal has decided to uphold the appeal by Virgin Blue against the Minister's decision not to "declare" the Airside Service at...
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