Australia’s current carbon emissions target for 2020 is a 5% reduction on 2000 levels. It is highly likely that existing policy settings will see this target achieved. In the coming months, world attention will turn to Australia’s carbon emissions targets beyond 2020. The Government has proposed a target of a 26%-28% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2030. In our view, a 25% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2025 (36% by 2030) would not only be achievable, but comparable with the proposals of other nations.

This report by Frontier (Australia) provides some context for comparing these targets and tasks.DOWNLOAD FULL PUBLICATION


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) today announced that it will not oppose TPG Telecom Limited’s (TPG) proposed acquisition of iiNet Limited (iiNet). TPG and iiNet are two of the five largest suppliers of fixed broadband in Australia.

In June of this year, the ACCC had released a Statement of Issues (SOI) concerning the proposed acquisition. The SOI had stated that the ACCC’s market enquiries had disclosed concerns about the proposed acquisition. During its subsequent investigation both the Commission and Frontier (Australia) (retained by iiNet) undertook modelling of the likely upward pricing pressure (UPP) that the proposed merger might cause.

The ACCC concluded that the acquisition would not reach the threshold of a ‘substantial’ lessening of competition as required under section 50 of the Competition and Consumer Act.

Frontier (Australia) regularly advises both carriers and regulators on competition issues in the telecommunications sector.

For more information, please contact Marita O'Keeffe at or phone +61 3 9620 4488.


Australia’s current carbon emissions target for 2020 is a 5% reduction on 2000 levels. It is highly likely that existing policy settings will see this target achieved. In the coming months, world attention will turn to Australia’s carbon emissions targets beyond 2020. The Australian Government has today proposed a target of a 26%-28% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2030.

Frontier (Australia) today released a report looking at Australia’s proposed emissions targets. In our view, a 25% reduction on 2005 emissions levels by 2025 (36% by 2030) would not only be achievable, but comparable with the proposals of other nations. Our report provides some context for comparing these targets and tasks.

For more information, please contact or phone +61 3 9620 4488.


Warwick Davis from Frontier (Australia) today presented at the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s annual Regulatory Conference at a session examining Net Neutrality and the Open Internet. Warwick was the discussant for the presentation by Professor Tim Brennan, Chief Economist at the Federal Communications Commission in 2014, and Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the University of Maryland.

Warwick’s comments addressed several key points raised by Professor Brennan, and then looked at the relevance of net neutrality laws to Australia given Australia’s particular industry structure, regulatory framework and the recent transformation in the way consumers are using the Internet.

Frontier (Australia) regularly advises organisations and regulators on competition and policy issues in the telecommunications sector.

For more information please contact Marita O’Keeffe at or phone +61 3 9620 4488.

